Synergy Accessibility Tips Accessibility Mode

Dardargelinta Xisaabaadka Waalidka

Tallaabada 1 of 3: Qoraalka Asaasiga ah

Akhriso qoraalka Asaasiga ah ee soo socda oo guji batoonka Aqbalaadda si aad ugu heshiiyaan heshiiska astaanta gaarka ah
We take your privacy seriously and we have implemented numerous physical and technological safeguards to protect all parent and student data. If you suspect your data privacy has been violated, please contact us immediately at 612-588-3599. To help us protect your information, please do not share your username and password with anyone!
Gujinta I Accept micnaheedu waa in aad ogolaato in bayaan privacy kor ku xusan.